Captain America The First Avenger - Avengers - Marvel

[info headline="Release date"]2011[/info] [info headline="Time Movie"]124[/info] [info headline="Language"]English, Arabic[/info] [info headline="IMDb Rating"]7.7[/info] [info headline="Genre"]Fiction, Adventure, Excitement[/info] [info headline="Cast"]Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Hayley Atwell, Hugo Weifeng, Stanley Tucci, Dominic Cooper, Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel Jackson, Richard Armitage, Natalie Dormer[/info] [button src=""]Server 1[/button] Steve Rogers, a weak, sickly young man eager to fight is repeatedly rejected from the war-until a seemingly "crazy" scientist recruits him in a new experiment to turn the tides. He is transformed into the super soldier the world needs, but no one believes it.


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