The Unholy

[info headline="Release date"]2021[/info] [info headline="Time Movie"]108[/info] [info headline="Language"]English, Arabic[/info] [info headline="IMDb Rating"]5.1[/info] [info headline="Genre"]Horror, Vagueness, Excitement[/info] [info headline="Cast"]Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown, Diogo Morgado, Marina Mazepa, Carrie Elwes, William Sadler, Katie Aselton, Kristen Adams, Janelle Fegli, Chiara Picardo[/info] [button src=""]Server 1[/button] The film follows on a disgraced journalist (played by Morgan) who discovers a series of seemingly divine miracles in a small New England town and uses them to resurrect his career, but the 'miracles' may have a much darker source.


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